Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) states the quality of building’s environment in comparative to the safe health and comfort of those who occupy space within it. IEQ is assessed with many elements like including Indoor Air Quality, Thermal Quality, Sound Quality and Ventilation Quality. Workers are often concerned that they have symptoms or health conditions from exposures to contaminants in the buildings where they work.
Typical causes of poor indoor air quality include over-crowding, inadequate ventilation, contaminants originating from certain types of building materials, volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter and radon. Each of these poses a different health risk. Poor indoor air quality can lead to loss of concentration, fatigue, headaches, breathing difficulties and nausea. This can lead to lack of productivity and even lead to staff having to take time off to recover, especially those with existing medical conditions such as asthma.
In order to assess indoor air quality and determine whether or not there is a health risk requires monitoring and sampling. We are using hand held portable equipment’s for gases, sampler for dust collection and personal exposure measurement kit. Once the indoor air quality has been assessed the results can be compared against the Workplace Exposure Limits. Appropriate measures can then be put in place to either maintain or improve the indoor air quality to a level that provides healthy working environment